Remote or not remote
Blog,  Non-fiction

Modifying our Lives

Change continues to be our sibling as we navigate work, retirement, health and modifying our lives. Since the pandemic our work force has become used to working remotely. As a working mother I remember how difficult it was to commute sometimes 4 hours a day to New York City and back to New Jersey. I would have loved to embrace working remotely even if only a hybrid version.

As many workers find themselves in bedrooms and living rooms carving out work space, we must remember that remote need not mean “distant” or having “little relationship.” Create a good space, turn your video on, change your dress from pandemic to casual Friday with nice colors and good fits. Make this an opportunity to look good on whatever platform you’re on–Webinar, Zoom. Google, etc. I’m on Zoom and sometimes Facetime Video several times a week. There’s nothing wrong with a sweatshirt, but try to vary what you wear.

Keep engaged in what you do. Could you ask out one of your colleagues for a coffee, tea or an after work drink? I have regular appointments with several doctors I see. The two that are still remote with me dress professionally and I do the same. I’m never late and I believe that I believe we intimate with this platform than in person.

Certain professions do not have the choice to work remotely. Yesterday I spent the day at NYU Langone Hospital having various tests done and seeing several cardiologists. These doctors work from their offices and in the hospital. For those of you who have a choice in being remote enjoy it. Not everyone does. Acknowledge those who don’t have a choice (doctors, nurses, technicians, restaurant workers, hotel workers, workers in grocery stores, etc.)

Working remotely is growing rather than decreasing. It seems to be catching on. Older people love working remotely even if they have retired from their position. Meetings, courses, music, book clubs and other activities have become popular via Zoom and Google. People are also returning to in-person meetings and going to art museums and concerts to enjoy this as well. It’s fun to go out and dress up after wearing sweats and lululemon so much. Remote or in-person let’s connect and modify our lives.

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