Blog,  Non-fiction

Christmas: A Celebration of Giving

Christmas: A Celebration of Giving

I used to think giving was something we did out of duty, but I believe, for me now, it comes from love for God and a wish to respond to the needs of the world. It also comes from a wish to express loving kindness, goodness, and gratitude for all that has been given to me.

I was fortunate to be raised  in a family that embraced generosity. My parents gave faithfully to their church and they were also generous to others in need. My mother visited friends who were sick and wrote hundreds of cards and letters to her family, neighbors, and home-bound friends.  Their giving was not out of duty, but out of gratitude and love.

As I approach this Christmas season, I remember the Promise that God made to all of us that there would be enough for us all. At the miracle of the feeding of the 5000, 5 loaves and 2 fishes became enough food to feed everyone with 12 basketfuls left over. As we come to the Christmas feast, let us remember that there is enough for us and let us not forget those who are left out in the cold, those whose lives have been changed by hurricanes and fire, and those who live in darkness of other kinds. Let us reach out, not because we are expected to, but because it is a positive way to live life to its fullest.

Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful New Year.


Linda & Gregory




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