A “New” Balance
When I was much younger I ran quite a lot. My running shoes went everywhere with me and I was proud that even during my pregnancy I continued to run right up until days before our son was born. Running was a passion. It allowed me to feel great while keeping in good shape.
You might remember my blog of last year titled “Achilles Heel.” Since then I have spent time with a good podiatrist and have worn a special boot and orthotics only to find out that plantar fasciitis never completely heals. I look back over my running and there were several characteristics which typified it. I often ran on very hard surfaces. My running also meant repetitive stress, with little warm-up and few stretches after a run of 5-7 miles.
Now I find myself looking for a way to move my body that does not re-injure my foot. I am seeking balance, breath, stretching, and movement. The old words – compete, finish and win – are foreign to me now as “balance” has taken their place.
Slowly I am learning about this new kind of exercise. Balance may be defined as “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.” I believe it also involves an understanding of the core of the body, moving out and upwards with the shoulders and head held high. With systematic practice of these exercises coupled with focused breathing, this process of stretching helps the body get stronger and more flexible. I am no longer trying to run like a gazelle and am happy instead to stretch like an obedient elephant.
Stretching Elephant